(used on projects referencing 2019 ODOT C&MS in the Contract Documents)
ODOT’s 2019 Construction and Material Specifications (C&MS) book is used on ODOT projects referencing the 2019 C&MS and its companion errata for updates/changes through Supplement Specification 800 by specific date. Like the 2013 and 2016 C&MS, projects bid under the 2019 specification will be identified as either concrete with or without QC/QA (pre-determined by designer based on quantities) for the QC class designations.
Any updates/changes occurring on items in the 2019 C&MS specifications book are identified in Supplement Specification 800 while updates to individual Supplements are modified separately with the new effective date which all supersede the existing specifications. These revisions had been introduced and accepted under ODOT’s Concrete Pavement or Structures Committee which Ohio Concrete is each active in. The link to the 2019 C&MS: PDF of 2019 C&MS (note that you can view the latest edits made through SS800 by opening the PDFs of hyperlinked 2019 C&MS with SS800 by date – edits are shown in yellow)
The following is a summary of the notable changes relating to concrete:
- Addition of natural pozzolan (under item 701 Cementitious Materials) in Item 499 – General Concrete
- Added Class QC5 concrete to Item 511.03 Concrete
- Engineer to make at least one set of acceptance test cylinders for each 50 cys of concrete for structures concrete when QC/QA is not required
- Elimination of HIPERPAV software requirements for concrete pavement joint sawing time limits in Item 451.09
- Language changes in Item 499 – General Concrete regarding slump adjustments to concrete mixtures
- Addition of volumetric truck mixers and their batching tolerance limits in Item 499 – General Concrete
- Addition of Item 701.15 Portland-Limestone Cement, Type IL up to 15% allowable limestone content limit
- Revisions to concrete paving equipment requirements to distinguish small/irregular areas and ramps/secondary roads versus mainline pavement in Item 451.04